Buckle up for Olga Koch : Prawn Cocktail, jam packed full of fast uproarious funnies thrown at you at a frenetic pace. If you haven’t seen Olga perform before you might just feel you know her, pretty intimately, by the end of the show. Leaving no stone unturned, she delivers!
Describing real life incidents of Alpaca spitting, shrimping and a top down threesome management structure within the first few moments, Olga has the wherewithal to conquer any topic in her own inimitable style. An exuberant, likeable talent who oozes charisma.
Expect laughs and gasps aplenty as the audience is exposed to her trials and tribulations. She can self-depreciate and show off in equal measure, with a more vulnerable side interjected through personal flashback audio tapped on from a laptop in the corner.
This gig is an absolute triumph. It is scripted with intellect and draws impeccably on a smorgasbord of observations. Olga muses around the satisfaction of reframing situations when the need occurs. Life goals and penalties delivered with sensational aplomb!
Olga Koch : Prawn Cocktail not only masters parasocial relationships and the art of talking to Fiats. It doesn’t just dive into Wordle obsession one minute and Radiohead karaoke the next. It full on revs comedy to the next unmissable level. If you haven’t caught it yet, go go go!

Edinburgh Fringe 2023 edfestmag.com
photo credit : Rachel Sherlock