Are you ready to believe? Are you open to receive? Leave your preconceptions at the door and step into the world of SÉANCE. Yourself, other participants and who knows how many other visitors enter this long narrow chamber and find a seat at the SÉANCE table.
Headphones on. The door closes. One last look of solidarity amongst you. The lights flicker. On. Off. On. Then finally off. Darkness surrounds you. Hands on the table. Heart beats faster. Then … you can only discover the rest if you are there. Are you willing to become one of us?
SÉANCE is a truly immersive experience. It is one of a set of three also including EULOGY and COMA. Each located within a shipping container transformed to suit. Each with their own essence and attributes bringing meaning and psychological impact to those who take part.
You can sense participants are a little unsure and that is what is intended. One member of the group decided to leave before the start. Don’t be alarmed. Nothing will reach out and grab you. But that is all that can be said now because this is your own personal journey.
SÉANCE is an existential experience. Creative, ingenious and eerily unique. If you like to feel theatre deeply and be moved by your own thoughts then this is for you. If you are not sure then this could also be for you. The table is set. The guests may await. Are you there?

Edinburgh Fringe 2023